The OzTAM panel
The OzTAM panel Households are recruited to OzTAM’s metropolitan panel via a large-scale Establishment Survey, administered by Nielsen TAM, that helps define the population to be represented and its characteristics, combined with population estimates from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. This survey is carried out continually and involves 65,000+ mobile phone interviews each year.
The survey selection process is random and every private residential household in OzTAM’s coverage area has a chance of being chosen for interview. Panel homes are then selected from the survey respondents.
The survey spans the composition of panel households (age, sex, occupation groups), as well as screens and viewing technologies in the home, and the household recruitment process is carefully managed to ensure the panel is an accurate representation of the overall population OzTAM provides data for.
Panel homes may elect to leave the service at any time and OzTAM replaces panel households as required to maintain statistically robust reporting.
There is a panel for each of OzTAM’s five metropolitan markets, which comprises 5,250 homes.
In 2017 OzTAM's metropolitan panel increased by 50 per cent (from the previous 3,500 and 1,413 homes, respectively), recognising Australia's population growth and the fact people now spread their viewing over many more television channels. Alongside Regional TAM's own expanded panel, Australia remains one of the world's largest per capita metered markets.
Australia's new integrated, Total TV database ('VOZ') includes a 'Rest of Australia' market that captures areas outside OzTAM and Regional TAM markets, including the combined TV markets of Darwin, Remote Central + Mt Isa, Griffith, Mildura, Spencer Gulf (Port Pirie/Broken Hill) and Riverland/Mt Gambier.
Please note OzTAM uses a different methodology to capture viewing of internet-delivered TV content. Please see the Video Player Measurement section for further details.