OzTAM Pty Limited owns the website located at www.oztam.com.au (the”Website”). By accessing and using the Website you, the user, (“you” or “your”) are agreeing to be bound by these terms and Conditions (the “Terms”) which govern your access to and use of the Website.

OzTAM is making available, on the Website, data derived from its Video Player Measurement (VPM) Service.

All VPM Service text, data, charts, tables, names, logos, trade marks and other VPM Service material on the Website (the “VPM Content”) and all rights in it belong to OzTAM or are licenced to OzTAM by authorized third parties.

You :

  1. May retrieve and display VPM Content from the Website,
  2. May copy, reproduce, republish, or broadcast the VPM Content (or part thereof) to the extent required and as relevant to your ordinary business operations;
  3. agree not to adapt, alter or create a derivative work from any of the VPM Content on the Website or to use it for any purpose other than as set out in paragraph 2 above, save as specified within a Licence Agreement entered into with OzTAM Pty Limited.

To continue to the “Reports” page, I confirm that I have read and agree to the above terms and conditions in regard to VPM Content.


VPM 28 Day Rolling Reports

The latest VPM 28 Day rolling reports

VPM Report Guidelines

VPM 28 Day rolling reports  (7 Day reports can be found here and Live reports can be found here)

Please note: when broadcasters upgrade their video players, player measurement SDKs may take time to reach consumer devices (consumers need to update their apps) and may temporarily result in under-reporting of a broadcaster's video player figures.
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